
UK Net Zero Carbon Building Standard

UK Net Zero Carbon Building Standard

The launch of the Pilot Version of the UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard  in September 2024 is the culmination of an incredible collaboration from experts across the UK Built Environment Industry. The Pilot Version of the Standard enables industry to robustly prove their built assets are net zero carbon and in line with our nation’s climate targets. The UK's first cross-industry Standard that brings together Net-Zero Carbon requirements for all major building types. It outlines requirements for embodied carbon and energy use intensity for both new build and refurbishment projects. The standard is the result of a collaborate effort led by CIBSE, RIBA, RICS, UKGBC and other industry groups.

CIBSE Knowledge Portal

CIBSE Knowledge Portal

This site provides access to many guides on best practice building design. Some documents have a charge for non-CIBSE members.

LETI Climate Emergency Design Guide

LETI Climate Emergency Design Guide

Published in 2019 the Climate Emergency Design Guide covers five key themes for best practice: operational energy, embodied carbon, the future of heat, demand response and data disclosure.

Architects Declare Resources

The website for the Architects Declaration of the Climate and Biodiversity Emergency provides many useful resources for designers, planners and clients.

Resources | UK Architects Declare Climate and Biodiversity Emergency

The ‘Regenerative Design Primer’ provides guidance on regenerative design, with the aim of creating positive outcomes for people and the natural systems.

Regenerative Design Primer

Net Zero Whole Life Carbon Roadmap

Net Zero Whole Life Carbon Roadmap

UKGBC’s Whole Life Carbon Roadmap published in 2021 sets out a trajectory for industry and government to work towards a net zero future.

Embodied Ecological Impacts

Embodied Ecological Impacts

The impact of the materials we use in our built environment is not limited to carbon emissions. This knowledge hub, hosted by UKGBC, explores the global ecological impacts of the building materials we use in the UK, and how to avoid harm and maximise nature-positivity.

RIBA Sustainable Outcomes Guide

RIBA Sustainable Outcomes Guide

This guide published in 2019, provides a concise measurable set of eight sustainable outcomes that correspond to key UN Sustainable Development Goals and can be delivered on building projects of all scales.

National Retrofit Hub resources

National Retrofit Hub resources

The National Retrofit Hub is a nonprofit organisation that brings together all those involved in the retrofit sector to share their expertise and work together to enable a National Retrofit Strategy to be delivered.